Field Research Opportunities
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The CAI works closely with Federal (USDA Forest Service, National Park Service), State, and local clients on a wide range of Cultural Resource Management (CRM) or applied archaeology projects in southern Illinois and adjacent states. Such projects provide student employees and interns with practical skills in archaeological survey, test pit and larger-scale excavation, historical research, and other skills used in CRM. The CAI uses state-of-the art techniques including ground penetrating radar (GPR); paper-free in-field data collection using forms designed for the IPAD; and professional map preparation using ESRI’s ArcGIS in conducting CRM and other investigations.
Our goals in conducting CRM research are to provide our partners such as the USDA Forest Service with accurate high-quality information that will enable them to better manage archaeological sites on federal land as well as to provide our students with experiential learning opportunities in applied archaeology that will aid them in gaining employment upon graduation.